Content Writing

Content Writing Tutorial for Beginners: 2023


Content writing has been there since the emergence of the World Wide Web (WWW) and the increase in online activities in the 1990s. Since then, we have seen the world change comprehensively. People invent, technologies advance, businesses thrive. Consequently, anything related to these things keeps upgrading. 

That is why people desire to learn and be up-to-date. So what would be a better place than the internet? 

The internet is full of content. I would rather say it is the source of all types of content in every imagined form possible. Text, images, videos: everything is content.

As this article is more focused on content writing, content writers have a lot to deliver, but in the best way possible. Because out of the piles and piles of informational content, why would one read yours?

In the following content writing tutorial for beginners, this obvious question will get the answer with the details of content writing to excel in this field, even if you have zero knowledge about it.

In addition, we will also discuss the best content writing course available out there for you.

Introduction to the Henry Harvin’s Content Writing Course

What is content writing exactly?

In a way, you know the answer, but you have not realised that yet. Like many others, you deal with content every day. Be it through the online medium or your surroundings: blogs, newspapers, social media, shopping bags, leaflets, YouTube videos, etc. Anything and everything you can read and gain information from is the content. 

Moreover, someone has to create that, and in this case, write that. That is where content writing becomes, indirectly, a part of our life. We all write content: Facebook and Instagram posts, emails, comments, social media descriptions, and many more. 

We all have a share in creating the content.

However, content writing for websites for promotion, engagement and marketing purposes should be systematic. No one likes to go through the myriad of pages to find what they want.

From students to professionals, homemakers to business owners, everyone wants information. We thrive on that. And fulfilling their wishes in the best way possible is the content writers’ responsibility.

That is the primary objective of content writing.

Who can be a content writer?

Is that even a question? If you are here reading this, you are already on the path to being the one. You will need a bit of grooming, that is all. Keep reading further; you will get there eventually.

Moreover, you can have a job as a content writer or freelancer and earn and create a future in the same field. Why not? It is the field where technical knowledge can make you eligible, and creativity can lift you to new heights. This cocktail is safe and desirable.

So without any further delay, let’s get started with our topic.

Content writing tutorial for beginners:

When you do something, you have guidelines to follow. Without that, you would never achieve what you wish to. 

It is the same thing in writing, and specifically in content writing. The scope for creativity is there, but you should not avoid the guidelines. It would only make your writing more readable and accessible.

Besides, you can not learn creativity from somewhere. It is not the same with guidelines, though. You can understand them well and use them in your writing to do nothing else but only to improve it.

So whatever you will read further should be treated as guidelines to boost your content writing.

1. Assess your current writing and its style:

Evaluation is necessary at any stage in writing. So why not start your content writing journey with that? You write something every day. For example, in college, at work, in your daily journal, social media posts or anything. You have samples of your writings somewhere around you. Just look for them.

Since you have those, let’s use them. Get one sample out in your hands and start reading carefully. 

  • Firstly, you notice how many mistakes you have made: grammar, spelling, punctuation, tenses and other things. If any, just try to correct them on the spot. You might not get it correct, but at least try it. 

At this time, you will realise how important editing and proofreading is. No matter how much you write, it should be correct. You probably can’t get it perfect, but try to get it readable.

  • Then sense the tone you carry in your writing. It will not be the same tone you use when you talk. Keep in mind that it must be well balanced between formal and informal. 

You will also notice other things as you read what you have already written. Keep the mistakes in mind and be aware not to make any of those in the future.

Further in this article, we will discuss different writing tones in detail.

2. Improve language and grammar skills: 

You would not want to hear or read text that is quite hard to understand. You read to understand the written text. So, you will want to write to make the readers understand your point. Hence keeping it simple, concise and clear will be the best.

Moreover, in content writing, tenses and punctuations should be on point. If you can keep it that way, the reader will want to read more from you. Be it anything. For instance, this content writing tutorial for beginners follows the same steps.

Besides, don’t be monotonous. Mix up the length of the sentences, watch out for tense faults, use synonyms and use transitional words. This way, the text will become more readable. Also, improving your vocabulary will bring flair to your writing.

In addition, learn where to put the correct punctuations. You may understand the possible mishaps if you get wrong with the punctuations.

3. Dig into different niches of your liking: 

There are several niches out there you can attempt content writing in. So getting to know them while exploring your interest topics can bring the best ones to the surface for you. Then you can take up those chosen niches and gain deep knowledge about them.

Also, researching the existing content in those niches and their appeal to the readers can improve your content writing.

However, you will want to bring a unique voice to your content writing. Because of that, you will increase the traffic on your page and expand the reader base in that niche.

But don’t stick to the single niche. Try out different ones to give diversity to yourself and your audience.

4. Read whatever and pay attention: 

Your reading must be extensive to be able to write better. 

In other words, the more you read, the more words, sentences and eventually topics go through your mind. As a result, you get more words to write, new ideas to present the sentences and a broad perspective on different subjects for content writing.

But for that, you must pay attention to what you are reading. You will follow the same steps here from assessing your writing. Such as understanding the text regarding subject presentation, framing sentences, grammar, usage of tenses, punctuations, tones, etc.

Diversify your writing by diversifying your reading. It doesn’t matter what you read, but you must read something every day.

5. Write more:

From the following point, it must be clear that reading is essential. However, if you don’t implement those learnings from reading in your writing, what’s the point in reading?

In the content writing field, you will have to write a lot. Besides, keeping the consistency and the flow going all the time is hard. And, to do it better, you have to write a lot whenever you get the time. As a result, you will stay in the rhythm consistently and manage to complete the tasks early.

Additionally, you will be using the skills you learnt from improving your earlier mistakes. That way, you will have an improved eye for language, grammar, punctuations, vocabulary, tones, etc.

So at every step in your content writing journey, you will gain the confidence to achieve your goal successfully. 

6. Identify different tones in writing:

The different tones in content writing exist: 

  • Formal
  • Informal
  • Optimistic 
  • Critical
  • Funny
  • Sarcastic
  • Joyous
  • Sad, etc.

Before writing on a topic, you will have a sense of the mood and effect of that topic. So the key is to identify the apt tone for your writing. Moreover, you have to maintain that tone throughout. 

If you want to change the tone, do it naturally. Don’t rush. Let the readers sink in the initial one and then swiftly shift it to the other.

However, the sudden change in tones often happens in dramatic writing. When you let the readers settle in with a specific tonality, quickly changing it gives a dramatic and emotional effect.

Hence, going through different tones and applying them in your writing will be rewarding for your content writing.

7. Plan your writing process:

Drawing out your writing process beforehand is advantageous. It gives you an idea of how to approach a given topic. 

In addition, it gives you the freedom to improvise while you write. By doing so, you can efficiently point out which steps in your writing may get affected. So that way, you can work out your content writing properly and bring dynamic to it.

The writing process may look like the following, but you have to customise it your way to suit you better:

  • Structure your content
  • Gather information from authentic sources 
  • Interpret that information in your way
  • Write the first draft
  • Read and edit it
  • Proofreading (grammar, spellings, punctuations, etc.)
  • Re-edit the draft
  • Produce the final draft

By following a similar process, you can efficiently write the content in minimum time and without errors.

8. Format your content:

When formatting your content, you must keep a few things in mind. Earlier, we discussed the process of writing, which was significant for you, as a writer, to keep your content writing organised and in rhythm.

Similarly, a proper format and structure for your content can provide a steady rhythm for readers while reading. Which eventually leads to the improvement of the readability of your text.

Following is the rough outline of the format you can apply in your content writing. It’s not a hard and fast rule. You could make changes according to the subject you write.

  1. Create an attractive and related headline
  2. Write a relevant introduction
  3. Body (Format + Transition)
  • Subheadings
  • Listicles
  • Bullet points
  • Images and video clips (not too much)
  1. Conclusion 
  2. Add citations in your text
  3. List a few subject related FAQs

Besides this, you can use simple, transitional, emotional, and power words in your content writing. We will discuss power words in the next point.

9. Power words:

The power words can generate an emotional or psychological response when read. These words allow readers to engage more with the writing. Additionally, the power words persuade the readers and get them invested in the text for a long time.

You certainly want the readers to spend more time reading your stuff. As they get influenced by these words, your goal of providing information becomes much more effective.

Some power words are:

  • Amazing
  • Sensational 
  • Free
  • Ultimate
  • Success
  • Killer
  • Unlimited
  • Learn 
  • Understand
  • Gain
  • Certified and many more.

You can easily find a detailed list of power words on the internet. Read, learn, and use them in your content writing. Your writing will result as much more dynamic and persuasive than before.

10. Understand keywords:

In this content writing tutorial for beginners, we understood how to make your content writing better and more readable. Now, we will learn about keywords and why are they crucial to your content.

Keywords come into use in SEO writing for business marketing and copywriting purposes. They are put into the web content to boost the visibility of that content in the search engine results.

Often people search for the desired information by entering specific words in the search engine. Those words are the keywords.

So by using those words in your content, it becomes eligible to be in the search engine results. Moreover, repetition of those keywords in your content increases the relevance of your content to the searched keywords. Therefore, your content will reach the most interested people in your content.

You can research for the most high-quality keywords on the search engine. Additionally, you could use a few websites that help you get quality keywords for your content writing.

11. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO):

As discussed earlier, keywords are necessary for SEO writing. SEO is a technique used to improve the traffic to your content on the website or webpage from search engines.

With the help of the SEO process, a website receives traffic from the search engine when that website ranks higher on the search engine results page. So your content gets potential readers and future customers.

The SEO process starts with researching the main keywords for your content and using them effectively in the titles and on every page. Also, using links in the content improve the optimisation further.

Analyse the results yielded from the previous optimisation and learn and improve from those mistakes. Apply the learnings in the later optimisation process.

You will need to be patient with the results as search engines take some time to update the keywords and links.

12. Different SEO tools:

To optimise your content with keywords and links, you can use a few available SEO tools. These tools help you plan and manage the keywords and links effectively.

Any problem regarding the ranking and visibility of your content arises; using SEO tools, you can discover and correct them.

Following are some SEO tools:

  • Google Search Console
  • SEMRush
  • Ubersuggest
  • SmallSEOtools
  • KWFinder, etc.

13. Execute your writing process:

After all this, you can start writing while sticking to your planned process. 

As a result, it will be easy for you to get through your content writing. Keeping the planned process handy, you can focus more on writing and delivering the content in your style. This way, you can bring the needed unique voice to it.

Try to make the content more engaging and rewarding for the readers. So, they will be regulars to read your new content whenever it comes out.

14. Self-editing and proofreading:

After you finish writing the first draft, proofread it. Then if any mistakes there, edit them in a way that will only improve the reading experience.

You can use editing tools while writing. They help you correct the mistakes in your writing on the spot. It also gives a confident rhythm to keep moving forward with the blog.

These tools also check for plagiarism, which prevents your content from reaching your targeted audience and spoils your originality and creativity.

Some proofreading and editing tools you can use are:

  • Grammarly
  • Slick Write
  • Ginger
  • Hemingway
  • PaperRater

15. Go through your final draft:

As mentioned earlier in the first point, evaluation is necessary at every stage in your content writing, even after you have produced the final draft.

It will not be the last time, but the essential one before you go to the publishing step.

So, while going through the final draft, you will not stumble on a big problem. However, a problem is a problem. It does not matter how big or small it is. Fix it, recheck the whole draft, and move on to the next step.

16. Get the feedback: 

After finishing writing the content, you have to get feedback on it. Feedbacks can help you find the overlooked problem your written text had.

Furthermore, getting feedback from the people you know is not a bad idea. However, you can not trust its legitimacy completely. They would not want you to get disheartened. 

Hence, along with that, get feedback from the people you don’t know or know a little. That way, you can get different opinions to work on and be better next time with your content.

You can also use social media to meet people from the same field and niche as you. So, as a result, you will make new connections, learn new things, and improve for the better.

17. Publishing:

From the start of this content writing tutorial for beginners, we learnt how to be better at content writing. Now we’ll see how and where to publish your written content.

If you want to have a job in the content writing sector, your written content will be the best fit as a portfolio. Even if you change your mind and want to shift into freelancing, that portfolio will work the same.

Furthermore, you will have chances to improve it as you gain more experience in the field and use it as your blog site.

WordPress is one of the platforms you can use to build your freelancing platform for free to grow further. Also, it will work as your portfolio, so anyone can access it at any time as you wish.

Moreover, to find freelancing work, you can check out the following sites:

  • Upwork
  • Freelancer
  • Fiverr
  • Truelancer
  • WriterAccess

18. Keep improving:

After your first writing experience, you will feel more confident and inspired. Keep that spirit every time you sit to write your consequent text. 

So, keep improving from whatever you did last time, and try out different topics in your writing.

Different forms of content writing: 

There are several content writing forms or types. Content writing and marketing has been happening in different ways on the internet. 

As a result, anything related to the internet often gets used as a platform or tool to promote and market either company, products, content, services, etc.

Following are a few content types that will give you a better understanding of how can it get delivered in different forms over the internet.

1. Business Content Writing:

This type of writing focuses on the content written for websites to promote a business or brand. It also helps to facilitate customers’ engagement with the brand.

Mainly in this type of content writing, the company’s objectives, services, working areas, and developments are stated in their articles and blogs. So the customers can decide if they want to engage with the company or not.

2. Technical Content Writing:

Technical writing informs users about a product, gadget or technology in an organised manner in detail. For instance, user manuals, journals, reports, articles for a product or service come under technical writing.

Moreover, technical writing provides information in a simple, concise, and precise manner. Hence, using images and infographics is predominant in this type of writing.

3. Medical Content Writing:

Writing pieces of information for the medical field come under medical writing. This type of medical writing includes writing medical journals, research papers, experiments, types of diseases and cures, etc.

Experts from this field often work in this type of writing to provide truthful information.

4. Copywriting

Copywriting is a short-form content writing type that advertises and markets brands and businesses. 

Copywriters create advertisements, brochures, leaflets, social media posts, short scripts, billboards, white papers, etc. That content is usually concise, attractive, as well as informational.

5. Blog Writing:

Blog writing usually provides readers with a personal point of view and opinions of the writer on that specific topic. You write blogs with the help of keywords, and SEO gets applied.

Blogs are generally 3000 words long, and you can use an informal style. Additionally, your can self-publish your blog on your website or as a guest post on other websites.

6. Article Writing:

An article generally provides information from truthful sources, and facts get presented without fabrication or as an opinion.

Unlike blogs, articles are for the mass audience. Moreover, extensive research is a must before getting down to write anything.

The articles are longer than blogs, and you have to employ a more formal style.

7. Creative Writing:

As the name suggests, this writing deals with narrative, characters, drama, emotions, and many other factors that require imagination.

For example, scriptwriting, short story writing, poetry, novel writing, fiction writing, dialogues are types of creative writing.

This text can evoke emotions and feelings while employing different narrative techniques. So the readers will deem the fabricated, imaginary world as authentic.

Also, you often see the tonal shift, articulated words and decorative language in creative content writing.

Opportunities to earn from content writing: 

After acquiring skills in content writing, you will surely want to earn from it. 

Earlier in this content writing tutorial for beginners, we have understood how to publish your written content. Also, we have seen how to build your portfolio and get jobs.

Either you can work as a freelancer or get a job in an organisation as a content writer. Earlier mentioned, those freelancing websites can get you paid jobs as well.

For that, you will have to set up your account on the specific website to avail yourself of monetary benefits after you finish the projects. Bidding for the projects you want to write on is natural on those websites.

You will have to follow the guidelines by clients and finish the project before the deadline. That way, you can earn without any delay and fuss.

You are now almost done with this content writing tutorial for beginners. However, before wrapping up, let’s see the best content writing course you can enrol in.

Henry Harvin’s content writing course:

Henry Harvin offers the best content writing course for learners in collaboration with their Writing Academy. 

From providing in-depth knowledge to delivering ample opportunities to apply it practically, learners get a comprehensive experience from this content writing course.

Furthermore, more than 18,000 learners have benefited from Henry Harvin’s content writing course to make their mark in this field.

Now, we will look at their content writing course programme, course features, duration, and fees.

Course Programme: 

The following is the Course Programme provided by Henry Harvin for their content writing course:

  1. Language Skills
  2. Internet Skills 
  3. Content Strategy
  4. Academic Writing
  5. Research and Technical Writing
  6. Business and Marketing Writing
  7. Email and Review Writing
  8. Creative Writing
  9. Copywriting
  10. Resume Writing
  11. Business Proposal and Grant Writing

Course Features: 

The following are the Course Features of the content writing course offered by Henry Harvin:

  • Experience industry experts as trainers
  • Access to the Learning Management System
  • Guaranteed Internship
  • Job Opportunities
  • Learn 30+ content types
  • Understand how to create your website and publish blogs
  • Globally recognised certification

Course Duration: 

This content writing course provides 36 hours of online live interactive classroom training. You can also select the self-paced course option.

Course Fees:

The online classroom training costs INR 15,000, and the self-paced course comes for INR 13,500.


Now we are done with our content writing tutorial for beginners. The mentioned methods, formats, and guidelines will help you improve your content writing. Additionally, you will get exciting opportunities to shine in this field.

If you keep writing, you will maintain the rhythm and acquire the finesse to write effortlessly every time.

After reading the mentioned points, you will feel less scope for creativity. However, there will be enough opportunities for you to be creative. Keeping your text readable and engaging is part of that creative challenge you will have while writing.

If you get any problems, you can go through this content writing tutorial for beginners again.

So, you will get chances to be creative to keep the reader on edge throughout the content. Hence, it has to be informational as well as enjoyable.

Above all, try to enjoy your writing. It is the thing in which you invest your time. That’s why, if you value your writing, readers will indeed love reading that.

So, get ready to write the next line!


Q. What are the prerequisites before getting into content writing?

Ans. No prerequisites as such. Just make sure that you like writing and have a basic understanding of the language you write. You can eventually develop other required skills as you start your journey in content writing.

Q. Is content writing difficult?

Ans. Not at all. You just have to be a bit more structured because it aims to make the readers understand the writing clearly. You can effortlessly learn it and be better.

Q. What are the free grammar fixing tools?

Ans. Grammarly is a widely used free tool to correct your grammar and improve your writing. Grammar Coach is another free tool you can use for the same.

Q. How to research for the content?

Ans. Firstly, understand the topic well which you are going to write. Then, let every possible and relevant information improve the credibility of your content. Lastly, write the content with that information that readers will understand effortlessly.

Q. Any other content writing course by Henry Harvin?

Ans. In addition to the content writing certification course, Henry Harvin also provides Post Graduate Program in content writing for learners.

Nitesh Durgude
the authorNitesh Durgude
Nitesh is an engineering graduate who turned towards his understated passion, writing. He likes to write about anything that opens up the doors to knowledge of new things and fields. Besides, he also enjoys writing fictional stories and screenplays.


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  • Henry Harvin provides a good content writing course. The course structure designed by Henry Harvin is simple and easily understood by a person like me who has no previous experience in the field of Content Writing. The recorded videos and all the study material were also helpful as they always helped me to refer back and have clarity about the doubts. The weekly assignments which are a part of the course structure, helped me to discover that writing is not difficult if practiced regularly.

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  • Henry Harvin Content Writing Course provides the best platform for all those writers who want to have a great career and earn a high package just by using their passion for writing in the most appropriate way. The trainers are well experienced and the course curriculum is well structured which helps the writers to make perfect content about the given topic and also teaches them various tactics which will help to reach a much more audience and raise the recommendation. I’m feeling very confident now, that I will take the exercises learned and move a step ahead to being a good content writer. Thank you Henry Harvin for putting up such a great content writing course. Thanks to the Henry Harvin team for all the help and support.

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  • Henry Harvin offers a content writing course with detailed modules covering required topics. The online classes run easily with the accessibility of open conversation, doubts clearing sessions, and interactive tasks. The Henry Harvin content writing course is very helpful. The highlighting feature of the Academy is the guaranteed placement in top companies at a high rate on successful completion of the course.
    It is absolutely an awesome place to gain knowledge and start the journey of success at a very affordable rate.

  • Henry Harvin is one of the best platform for learning the content writing. I have learnt many new technique and tools to make my writing better in just a hour. The module is extraordinary and exceptionally appropriate to me as a novice. I had joined Henry Harvin Education for content writing training. The experience is simply amazing. The training period is phenomenal as far as the course, module, classes and study materials. Thank you Henry Harvin for putting up such a great content writing course. Thanks to Henry Harvin team for all the help and support.

  • Henry Harvin was the institute that I chose for myself, Henry Harvin is a great platform for learning the content writing course. Henry Harvin offers a content writing course with detailed modules covering required topics. The online classes run easily with the accessibility of open conversation, doubts clearing sessions and interactive tasks. Even not only content writing, but they also have so many courses with quality of education. The experts here will always guide you with various skills and strategies which you can apply in your practical life to become a certified content writer and have a great future ahead. The Henry Harvin course gets this absolutely right. Their entire course is structured around developing your writing skills. It’s a very well spaced out and well-planned course. I must say my seniors always guide me a lot to bring out the best work and meet the demands of the company.

  • Henry Harvin is a great platform for learning the content writing course. The entire atmosphere is amazing, The course has a detailed syllabus about content and has given me diverse ideas about various forms of content. The live sessions are well-organized, interactive, and well taught. The course gives a good start for aspiring content writers. A content writing course has to be predominantly about writing. The Henry Harvin course gets this absolutely right. Their entire course is structured around developing your writing skills. The online classes run easily with the accessibility of open conversation, doubts clearing sessions, and interactive tasks. Even not only content writing, but they also have so many courses with quality of education.

  • Henry Harvin is a great platform for learning the content writing course. A content writing course has to be predominantly about writing. The Henry Harvin course gets this absolutely right. Their entire course is structured around developing your writing skills. The online classes run easily with the accessibility of open conversation, doubts clearing sessions and interactive tasks. Even not only content writing, they have so many courses with quality of education. The experts here will always guide you with various skills and strategies which you can apply in your practical life to become a certified content writer and have a great future ahead.

  • The Content Writing Course that was provided by Henry Harvin is one of the best one. Even not only content writing, they have so many courses with quality of education. The experts here will always guide you with various skills and strategies which you can apply in your practical life to become a certified content writer and have a great future ahead. This skill is in high demand. For learning the skill of content writing information provided in the blog about content writing courses in India is very useful.

  • Henry Harvin is one of the best platforms to learn content writing courses. The course has a detailed syllabus about content and has given me diverse ideas about various forms of content. The live sessions are well-organized, interactive, and well taught. The course gives a good start for aspiring content writers. A content writing course has to be predominantly about writing. The experts here will always guide you with various skills and strategies which you can apply in your practical life to become a certified content writer and have a great future ahead. This skill is in high demand. For learning the skill of content writing information provided in the blog about content writing courses in India is very useful.

  • Content writing from Henry Harvin is just awesome. They not only make you perfect in the particular field but it increases your efficiency which is a must in content writing. Even after the completion of the course, you will get a lot of employment opportunities from their side with lifetime support access.

  • Content writing from Henry Harvin is just awesome. They not only make you perfect in the particular field but it increases your efficiency which is a must in content writing. Even after the completion of the course, you will get a lot of employment opportunities from their side with lifetime support access.

  • Henry Harvin is a one of the best platform to learn content writing course. If I am confident with my work right now it is all because of the guidance I got from Henry Harvin. The course gives a good start for aspiring content writers. A content writing course has to be predominantly about writing. The experts here will always guide you with various skills and strategies which you can apply in your practical life to become a certified content writer and have a great future ahead. This skill is in high demand. Also, being an intern I am learning new things that help me a lot to grow and explore. The internship is a paid one therefore, it keeps me energized to work efficiently.

  • Henry Harvin provides a good content writing course. The course structure designed by Henry Harvin is simple and easily understood by a person like me who has no previous experience in the field of Content Writing. The recorded videos and all the study material were also helpful as they always helped me to refer back and have clarity about the doubts. . This skill is in high demand. Also, being an intern I am learning new things that help me a lot to grow and explore. The internship is a paid one therefore, it keeps me energized to work efficiently.

  • Henry Harvin Content Writing is one of the best courses. The trainers are well-experienced and with patience, they will guide you to the path of success in this domain. The entire infrastructure of the Academy is just amazing, it helps the students to keep their interest and eagerness to learn all along with the training session. The course gives a good start for aspiring content writers. A content writing course has to be predominantly about writing.

  • Amongst all these online content writing courses I would highly recommend Henry Harvin’s content writing courses online. I did it over my school break and it was very fun to do.

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