Project Management

Project Management Interview Questions and Answers


A Glance at Project Management

Project Management means Planning, Controlling, Coordinating, and leading the team to achieve project targets within limits. A Project Manager should be highly efficient, dedicated, and talented in his or her work. Over the years,  careers in Project Management becomes highly demanding. That’s why Project Management Interview becomes harder and harder each day.

A degree in Business or Management is the primary qualification to become a Project Manager. Apart from that, there are certification courses to enhance your skills and abilities in this field. Such as PMP certifications, Courses in Risk Management, Agile Project Management courses, MBA courses so on.

But as it is a competitive career along with a degree or certification your performance in an interview also matters for getting a job. The Initial key is confidence, to open the doors of an interviewer’s mind. In addition to that, appearance, body language, pleasant face, a cute smile, and finally how you tackle the questions are all important.

In this blog, you will get to know the Top 50 Project Management Interview Questions And Answers which will help you to perform better in an Interview.

An Overview of Project Management Interview Questions and answers

In an interview, you can expect mainly 3 types of questions.

  1. Common Questions
  2. Technical Questions
  3. Behavioral/ Situational Questions

Commonly Asked Questions In Project Management Interview

Project Management Interview

Common questions will be the initial part of any interview. These can be considered interactive sessions where interviewers will be keen to know about the candidate, his or her previous experience, and Basic qualifications for the job. Some of them are,

1. Tell us about yourself?

As mentioned the interviewer wants to know about you, your past, and previous experiences.

Answer: You can have a brief description of yourself about your degree, skills you hold, past company, and work experiences. Always try to emphasize those abilities which will be required for the present job. Also, Try to say why you applied for this position.

2. What is your strength as a Project Manager?

If you worked as a  Project Manager you could expect this question in a Project Management Interview. The interview board will be keen to know your abilities and skills as a project manager.

Answer:  Rather than simply portraying your abilities you can answer this question by explaining your achievements and the appreciation you got. You can tell them how good you are as a planner, organizer, or coordinator. Moreover, share your experience of handling work under pressure, Time management skills, etc.

3. Why did you quit your last job?

  This question is a tricky one. The interviewer is curious to find out why you left your past employment and your thought about the past employer.

Answer: You should never say anything bad about your previous job. Try to say that, you are eager to take on new responsibilities, interested to develop new skills, moreover Excited about the new role.

4. Tell us about the last project you worked on?

The board wants to know your experience and managerial skills in handling the team and project. In addition, how you set goals and execute them.

Answer: An overview of the last project can be explained. Hurdles you faced, Targets you achieved, Things you learned everything can be pointed out.

5. Why did you apply for this position?

This question is to figure out the candidate’s knowledge about the job requirements, what they expect from the new job and their future career goals.

Answer: Before the interview, you should research the company, job position, and requirements for the post. Also mention, what excited you to apply for the position, what skills you hold, and what things you can learn after joining the firm.

6. Are you comfortable working from home?

Sometimes in certain situations, you have to work from home, and the interviewer is trying to find out whether you are flexible or not.

Answer: While answering this question, enhance the possibilities of Virtual methods, Regular meetings, and interactions through it. Also, If you are ok to work remotely, assure them that you can provide a quiet working environment.

7. What are your weaknesses as a project manager?

Everyone is not perfect, there will be some areas where we are not good. So it’s ok to answer these types of Project Management Interview questions openly.

Answer: Try to describe your weaknesses in short and tell how you can strengthen them. Mention any experience you had and measures you adopted to improve your skills.

8. Are you familiar with any  Project Management  Tools?

Interviewers wanted to check how updated and familiarised you are with the new tools and technologies in  Project Management.

Answer: Emphasize the tools that you know which is essential for the particular job that you are applying for. Further, you can also state the tools you recently studied or have insight into. But never mention bad about any tools or software.

9. What are your technical and communication skills as a project manager?

As a project manager, you are the captain of the ship, you should be able to communicate with all the team members. Also, you should have an in-depth knowledge of technical skills.

Answer: In reply to this question try to focus on your abilities like Communication, Problem-solving, and Team Management. Speak about the technical skills you hold, your knowledge about technical issues and their solutions, or any experience.

10. Why did you select  Project Management as your career?

This is question is to catch out whether you have any other career plans or have the interest to change your career path.

Answer: You should say why did you choose this profession, your talents, and your achievements as a project manager. Also, if you have any plans to upgrade your skills in the respective sector mention that too.

11. Explain the last project you worked on?

Answer: This question provides you an opportunity to enhance your abilities as a Project Manager. Describe your last project, your role, strategies you adopt, team members, your personal inputs, achievements, and so on.

Technical Questions

Project Management Interview

In every interview, there will be technical rounds to check-measure the individual’s knowledge in the particular subject area. Here are some Technical Questions for a Project Management Interview,

12. What are the areas in Project  Management?

Answer: You should speak about the top 10 areas in project management. They are,

  • Risk Management
  • Scope Management
  • Cost Management
  • Quality Management
  • Procurement Management
  • Resource Management
  • Communications Management
  • Stakeholder Management
  • Integration Management
  • Schedule Management

13. Do you know the difference between Project  Monitoring and Project Controlling?

Answer: Project  Monitoring means collecting and reporting the data for the project. A lot of research and effort are needed for that task. When it comes to Project Controlling it is the usage of the information gathered and execution of it.

14. Explain the Work Break Down Structure?

Answer: Work Break Down Structure is used to explain the activities and subactivities to finish a project. Details of the work distribution in a project can be understood from WBD.

15. Describe the major stages of a project?

Answer: For the proper execution and organization of a project, it has been divided into five stages. They are   Project Initiation, Planning, Execution, Monitoring and Controlling, and Project Close. You can briefly explain each of the stages.

16. Can you state the difference between Risk and Issues?

Answer: Risks are mainly the situations that can happen in the future either positive or negative. Issues can be defined as day-to-day problems which will have a negative impact on the project at present. You can also convey your ideas on how to avoid risks and issues.

17. Is it important to form a Team? What are its stages?

Answer: The stages of team development are Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, and Adjourning. Highlight the benefits and importance of working as a team and present any past teamwork experience and accomplishments.

18. Can you explain RAID in Project Management?

Answer: One of the important questions in a Project Management Interview. RAID stands for Risks, Assumptions, Issues, and Dependencies. It is a major tool in project management to organize the project. Give explanations for each concept.

19. What do you know about Budget Management?

Answer:  Budget Management means having track of the costs and benefits of a project. Resources for Funding, Records of expenses and revenue, Cost Estimations everything comes under this category. Mention the necessity of Budget Management in a project. 

20. Explain the Triple Constraint Triangle in Project Management?

Answer: The concept mainly defines 3 constraints in a  project which are Time, Scope, and Cost. A Project Manager should be well aware of these 3 restrictions as they can directly affect the success and failure of a project.

21. Mention the tools to improve process activities?

Answer: The interviewer wants to analyze your familiarisation with tools, whether you are updated or not. Flow charts, Value steam Mapping, and RACI charts can be used to improve process activities.

22. What do you mean by project management methodologies?

Answer:   Project management methodologies are the different tools and techniques to plan and execute the project. Mainly there are ten methodologies. These help the managers plan the work efficiently.

23. Do you hear about variance analysis?

Answer:   Variance analysis helps to have a track of the performance of a project. A manager can compare the actual and expected results of a business. For example.Costs.

24. Explain Fishbone diagrams?

Answer: Fishbone diagrams also known as Ishikawa diagram is used to figure out the issues or problems caused for a project breakdown. A project manager can analyze even complex issues using this diagram.

25. What is known as Traceability Matrix?

 Answer: Traceability Matrix is a document or tool to trace the progress of a project. It also records the Tests, Risk Issues, and Test Results.

26. Differentiate Project, Program, and Portfolio?

Answer:   Project: A temporary venture of a product or service of a company.

Program: Combination of several projects of a firm that are the same or related which are done together.

Portfolio: Group of variant projects or programs within an organization which may or may not be related to each other.

27. Explain the steps in a Project Plan?

Answer: Briefly explain your way of executing a project. It may include Initial planning, Allocation of tasks and resources, Budgeting, Selecting team members so on.

28. Describe Pareto Principle Analysis?

Answer: Pareto Principle Analysis states that 80% of benefits happen from 20% of our effort. Moreover, this tool helps to identify problems in a project based on their impact.

29. What do you know about Trend Analysis?

Answer: It is a tool to identify the present trends in the industry and their impact on the project in the future. Using this analysis certain changes can be done to the project to maintain it on the right track.

 Behavioral/ Situational Questions

Project Management Interview

These types of questions in the Project Management interview are to figure out how spontaneous you are as a project manager and how you tackle certain situations.

30. If a Project requires more time what steps will you take as a  Project Manager?

Answer: The Steps to resolve the off-tracking issues are Allocation of more time and resources, Multitasking, Scheduling, Organising, and so on. Preplanning on time estimation helps to avoid this issue in the future.

31. What methods do you adopt to manage the performance of your team?

Answer: Amplify your communication and leadership qualities. In addition speak about the methods you can adopt such as Dividing tasks, Weekly meetings, Analyzing the performances, the importance of motivation, and appreciation.

32. How to schedule tasks?

Answer: Tasks are organized based on various factors. Some of them are,

  • The most important one
  • Activity that needs more time and effort
  • Availability of resources
  • Deadlines

33. If there is a conflict in your team how will you fix it?

Answer: Emphasize your team management, leadership, and listening skills.As a Project manager always be impartial and listen to both parties. Speak about the advantages of working as a team.

34. How do you manage sudden changes?

Answer: Answering this Project management interview question you might include points like Adaptability, Flexibility, or pull out any past project situations.

35. If a customer is not happy with the result what will you do?

Answer: The interviewer is keen to know your ability in client relations. For any company customer satisfaction is their prime core. So explain how much you value customers and what modifications you adopt to convince them.

36. In your opinion, What is the most desired skill a Project Manager should hold?

Answer: Explain each skill by comparing those with your strengths. You can mention Leadership, Time management, Technical, Communication, or whatever abilities you think a project manager should hold.

37. What are your career goals?

Answer: Recruiters are interested to know how career-oriented are you. While speaking about the skills and goals that you want to achieve, mention the recruiting company as part of your goal and how they will be beneficial.

38. How do you handle a Difficult Customer?

Answer:   One of the most expected questions in a Project management interview. Point out your talent in customer relations, Problem-solving, Listening abilities, and Communication.

39. If one of your team members is not performing well what will you do?

Answer: This question is to evaluate your way of thinking. Training, Guidelines to improve the skills, Appreciation for small efforts, and Asking other team members to help all these can be done to solve the issue.

40. How do you recognize trustworthy Stakeholders?

Answer: Recruiters want to test your ability to discriminate against reliable Stakeholders. If the Stakeholders provide sufficient resources and funds and give the necessary guidelines, and support they can be trusted.

41. What is your way of executing the project?

Answer: In a Project management interview, hiring managers will ask these questions to figure out your knowledge, abilities, and skills as a project manager. Pull out your past experiences, Your Strategies for Forming a team, Planning methods, and organizational skills.

42. Is it necessary that a Project Manager should be proactive?

Answer: The answer is yes. A project manager is the captain of the ship he or she should be proactive. They should have the capability of anticipating future risks, and benefits, Control over costs, scheduling tasks so on.

43. Can you explain any challenges you faced while working on a project and how you tackled it?

Answer: As a manager, you might be faced with many issues due to the unavailability of resources, and funds, problems due to lack of communication, and so on. Point out them and convince the panel how you effectively managed them. For example by setting goals, planning, and organizing.

44. Describe any methods you adopted to develop customer relations?

Answer: The interview board wants to how you treat clients. Customers are the assets of any firm. Focus on your strategies for customer satisfaction and how you keep in touch with them.

45. Are criticisms good or bad? What‘s your view?

Answer: While answering this question recruiter gets an idea of your approach to feedback. Mention that you never take them personally rather criticism from others can improve your work and you can learn more.

46. Are you able to work under pressure?

Answer: The most common question in a Project management interview, is to test how you face tough situations. Describe any prior experience where you have undergone huge stress and the way you overcome it.

47. If one of your team members asks for more time to complete the task, what will your reply be?

Answer: You can reply to the interviewer that initially, you will figure out the reason behind, why a team member is asking for more time. Secondly, resolve it either by suggesting any other member’s help or allocating more data or resources if the member needs them.

48. Talk about any of your failed projects?

Answer: These types of Project management interview questions are to check your risk management abilities. So don’t say that you never had any failure, be open. Talk about your mistakes and what did you learn from them.

49. Describe one of your most challenging projects?

Answer: Here, you have to emphasize your problem-solving and management skills. Any past situations which were very challenging and exhausting can be detailed. Explain how you manage the team and overcome the conflict.

50. Have you ever handled aggressive employees?

Answer: As a project manager you should be a good team leader and effective problem solver. You should have enough patience and capability to figure out the problems of team members like why are they aggressive and unhappy. Try to brief on these points.

So this is an overall view of questions that can be asked in a Project Management Interview. Always update your knowledge and if you know each nook and corner you will automatically gain confidence. But again, If you want to develop your horizon in this field, doing a certification course will be a good option.

Henry Harvin provides a globally recognized PMP certification Course.

Some of the key elements of the course are,

  • 36 hours of Online Live Classes.
  • Classes conducted by PMP trainers.
  • Complimentary  Business Analytics Course.
  • Internships and Placements.
  • Access to 1500 Practice Questions and Digital materials.

Recommended Reads


At the present, the field of   Project Management has become a promising one that has a lot of scopes. The majority of youngsters have an interest in it. Therefore while attending a job interview you can face tough competition. So you should be well prepared. I hope this blog had a glimpse of questions that you can expect and answers that you can deliver. Rather than focusing on how to present each answer, always try to be confident and have a smile on your face, you can do great. Good Luck!


 1. How to prepare for a Project Management Interview?

 One should have a thorough knowledge of the technical side of Project Management and greater soft skills. Also practising mock interviews can help to perform better in an interview.

2. Is Project Management a promising career?

Yes, it is. A Lot of opportunities are there in the sectors like Marketing, Healthcare, IT, Engineering, and so on.

3. How many rounds can be expected in A Project Management Interview?

It is based on each company. But mainly there will be an initial round to filter out the right candidates. Then there must be a second one for technical and behavioural questions. At last, if you are selected, one more round can expect, for discussing company rules, salary, and so on.

1 Comment

  • Thanks for sharing this resource! As someone preparing for a project management interview, I found these questions and answers extremely helpful. They cover a wide range of topics and provide valuable insights for potential interview scenarios.

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